UI Guide

First thing Id like to address that everyone UI is gonna be different and people will fit more things on the screen due to them having a bigger or smaller screen resolution. (The picture above is in 2K res)
There is no right or wrong way to have your UI in the end as long as it flows and works well for you and does all you want it to then you have success.
Key Parts of UI
Ability Bar
Utility Bars
Beast of burden inventory
Buff and De-buff Bar
Powers (Combat Abilities / Prayers)
Group list
Rune Metrics (Optional)
EXtra Action Bars

Go to setting buy clicking the setting icon or press the Esc key on your keyboard
Then go to settings

You can have up to 4 extra ability bars. Note these will use the action bar presets. My advice is to set your utility bars as you last few action bars. It keeps your other bars seperated.

This is what I use as my main utility bar it's all my main curses, mobility abilities and consumables.

This is an ability bar for those who don't have curses unlocked.

This is my Tank Utility Bar full of useful tank abilities I use when I wanna switch mid-fight rather than switching to a tank ability bar.

This Bar is more for random Ultimates I use situationally that are useful but don't use all the time

Beast of Burden
The Beast of burden interface is really helpful for easy access to what your BoB holds and grabbing things between both your BoB and Inventory.

Click on powers icon
Then select Familiar and you will see the following interface

With this interface, you can see all the different things you can do with your beast of burden but for the most part, you will want the 2nd interface view which shows your BoB inventory. To switch interface view press this button.

With this interface, you can see all the different things you can do with your beast of burden but for the most part, you will want the 2nd interface view which shows your BoB inventory. To switch interface view press this button.

With this view, you can access your BoB inventory to pull things in and out of your inventory with either using the take or give button in the lower part of the interface or by clicking on an item in the BoB inventory. You can also drag things to or from both inventories.
Having this interface near your inventory can help with ease of access and will help with workflow but again this is diffrent for everyone but something to consider.

Inventory Settings
With these setting, you can set up your inventory slot layout so that depending on your UI layout it will grid the inventory slots up in a particular layout. I personally set it to the max being 28 it seems doign this it doesn't matter what size your inventory is set at it will grid accordingly.
For example bellow.

Go to setting buy clicking the setting icon or press the Esc key on your keyboard

Then go to settings

Another helpful setting is to Destroy Empty Containers. This is how I have mine setup but do what works for you. This helps a lot with drinking potions in combat so empty vials don't take up inventory slots. With this, you can do things like grabbing things from the beast of burden and it fills up those spots where your potion used to be or even freeing up space for loot.

Buff Bars

Buff and Debuff bars are super helpful to help you keep track of many things like potion timers, boosts and negative affects. overall this is gonna be so informative and useful you can select what info you wanna see but its probably best to tick all the options.

Go to setting buy clicking the setting icon or press the Esc key on your keyboard
Then go to settings

Powers Interface
This can be handy to have open but not required. it can be used and utility bar but not as reliable. it can also be handy to switch out abilities on the fly so you are not messing around with your interface to much.

Worn Equipment
Worn Equipment is more of an optional interface the only real use is to keep track of what gear you have equipped or if the item has a right-click option that is handy for items like the ring of wealth or Max Cape teleport.

Slim Headers and Hide Titles
This will help you compress the UI so you can squeeze more on your screen
Go to setting buy clicking the setting icon or press the Esc key on your keyboard

Then go to settings

Slayer Counter
This counter will show you what monster is on task if you hover your cursor over it and how many kills left on the task.

Go to setting buy clicking the setting icon or press the Esc key on your keyboard
Then go to settings