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Codex's and Unlockable Abilities


Mutated Dazing Shot / Puncture

Mutated Dazing Shot Jake.gif


Mutated Dazing Shot is a basic two-handed Ranged ability. It is purchased with 63,000,000 shattered anima from the Shattered Worlds minigame as a package along with the Salt the wound ability. It replaces Dazing Shot when unlocked. It deals 31.4-157% ability damage, reduces the target's hit chance for their next attack by 10%, and applies the Puncture effect. Purchasing the unlock requires level 60 Ranged, but the actual requirement for using the ability remains at level 8 Ranged.

In a Free-to-play world, Mutated Dazing Shot reverts to the normal Dazing Shot.



Puncture applies a stack to the target that lasts 9 seconds and a bleed that hits 4 times, dealing damage every 1.8 seconds. Over this full duration, Puncture will deal 5.8-7.2% ability damage per stack (or 58-72% ability damage at 10 stacks). The hits are distributed as 7/15, 5/15, 2/15, and 1/15 of the total. If Puncture is already on the target, a stack is added (with a maximum of 10) and the bleed is reset.

If players with different ability damage values renew Puncture, the bleed damage will slowly adjust to match the average ability damage. In this way, a ranger with weaker weaponry can help sustain a Puncture effect without contributing more damage than their gear would normally allow.

Reapplying Puncture, or using Salt the Wound, will result in the stack duration being reset to 9 seconds, and the bleed damage resetting to its highest hit. If Mutated Dazing Shot or Salt the Wound misses the target (splashes), the duration is still refreshed, but it is only increased with a successful hit of Mutated Dazing Shot.

Puncture stacks can increase up to 10 on the target, but all stacks will be removed if Puncture is not renewed within the 9 seconds. Any player that hits the target with Mutated Dazing Shot or Salt the Wound can renew the stacks and bleed.

In PvP situations, Freedom will clear every stack of Puncture.


Side effects

Despite the hitsplat colour, Puncture's damage is normally not considered to come from any particular player. Therefore:


Bladed Dive

Bladed dive Jake small 2.gif


Bladed Dive is a basic Attack ability that requires 65 Attack and dual wielded melee weapons to use. It is unlocked from the Shattered Worlds reward shop for 63,000,000 shattered anima.

Unlike other abilities, Bladed Dive is not activated as soon as its keybind is pressed. Instead, pressing its keybind or clicking its icon from the ability book or action bar causes the mouse cursor to be replaced by the Bladed Dive icon. When the player then clicks on a game square, the ability causes the player to leap towards the specified location, dealing 25%-125% ability damage to enemies within a 3x3 area of the selected tile as long as there are no obstacles between the player and the chosen tile. Choosing an attackable target instead of an empty tile instead results in the player landing next to the target rather than on the same tile as the target. Pressing the escape key before selecting a location cancels Bladed Dive.



Bladed Dive may be used outside of the global cooldown. If used this way, it deals no damage and generates no adrenaline. Using Bladed Dive in this manner does not trigger Impatient. If any target dies within 6 seconds after Bladed Dive damaging them, the ability's cooldown is reset, immediately allowing Bladed Dive to be used again. 

As with Barge, Surge, and Escape, this ability is affected by the Mobile perk, bringing the cooldown and possible adrenaline gain down to 10 seconds and 0% respectively. 

It has the same base damage as Barge, another movement-based melee ability. Like Surge, Bladed Dive has a range of 10 game squares, but can be used to travel at any angle, not just along straight lines and diagonals. Bladed Dive does not share a cooldown with any other ability if used outside of the Wilderness or other PvP enabled areas but shares cooldowns with Surge and Escape if used inside of them, with the exception of Supply runs



All hatchets and pickaxes, as well as the (enhanced) Yaktwee stick, are all considered to be melee weapons. Therefore, it is possible to equip one with an augmented off-hand melee weapon with the Mobile perk, freeing up armour slots for skilling outfits. This also reduces the cooldown of Surge and Bladed Dive. Furthermore, because of the aforementioned cooldown reduction, these two abilities can be used near-seamlessly in tandem with each other to maximise speed while moving between skilling nodes, such as reaching the Mage of Zamorak while crafting runes through the Abyss


Blood Tendrils

Blood Tendrils.gif


Blood Tendrils is a threshold Attack ability, requiring level 75 Attack to use. When activated, it summons tendrils of blood to inflict a damage-over-time (DoT) effect on both you and your opponent, the damage in your favour. Blood Tendrils can kill players who use it at low health.


The DoT damage is proportional to the initial hit, which is 36-180% ability damage. The opponent will take 1/2 of the original damage with each hit, and the user takes 5/36. Both DoTs hit four times, giving a total of 108-540% ability damage to the target and 25-100% ability damage to the user. 


Freedom will clear the bleed if it was caused by another player, but it cannot clear the self-inflicted effect of this ability. The self-damage will continue even if the target is killed.


Because Blood Tendrils damages the user, it is advised to use it with caution. This ability deals relatively little damage to the player compared to Smoke and Shadow Tendrils, the magic and range counterparts. It is best used with Soul Split or a scrimshaw of vampyrism against weaker monsters with many life points. 


Like most other damage-over-time abilities, the damage of this ability is not increased by: 

  • damage-boosting prayers/curses,

  • additional damage applied by having boosted levels (i.e. from potions - note that this is a separate damage increase to the raw increase from having a higher level),

  • damage increasing abilities like Berserk

  • all variants of Void Knight equipment,

  • the black mask and all slayer helm variants.


An alternative to Blood Tendrils is Slaughter, which is also a DoT ability. Blood Tendrils deals 108-540% damage and Slaughter does 250-625%, provided the target moves after its first hit. One should note that their target must move for Slaughter to deal maximum damage. 


Blood Tendrils, along with Smoke Tendrils, Shadow Tendrils, and Ice Asylum, is learned by reading the Codex Ultimatus, which is obtained by talking to the Archaeological expert after The Dig Site quest


Like with all damage over time abilities, the player is free to use other abilities while Blood Tendrils does damage to the enemy. The same does not hold for channelled abilities like Assault. This essentially means in terms of long term damage per second and assuming the enemy stays alive during the duration of Blood Tendrils, Blood Tendrils is just as good as an ability which does 108-540% damage in one hit.


Shadow Tendrils

Shadow Tendrils.gif


Shadow Tendrils is a threshold Ranged ability requiring level 75 Ranged to use. When activated, it summons shadow tendrils to inflict several hits on you in quick succession, before dealing a single hit on your opponent for double the damage. Shadow Tendrils, along with Smoke Tendrils, Blood Tendrils, and Ice Asylum, is learned by reading the Codex Ultimatus, which is obtained by talking to the Archaeological expert after The Dig Site


Because Shadow Tendrils hurts the user, it should be used with caution, especially against strong boss monsters or other players. It is best used with Soul Split or the Vampyrism aura against weaker monsters with many life points. Under normal conditions and with the best ranged setup, it is possible to hit exceeding 14,000 damage. 


Shadow Tendril deals up to 5 hitsplats of damage to the user before dealing damage equal to the double the combined damage of those hit splats. Shadow Tendrils is guaranteed to do at least 2 hit splats to the player, has 90% chance to do the 3rd, 80% chance to do the 4th, and 70% chance to do the 5th (so around 50% chance to do 5 hits). The damage dealt to the target by Shadow Tendrils will be increased by Death's Swiftness, but the self-damage will not be increased. 


Each hit taken deals 16.5-50% ability damage (33.25% average). Thus, each hit taken contributes 33-100% ability damage (66.5% average) to the final hit dealt, giving an overall average (with the chances of the 3-5th hit) of 274.246% ability damage - at a cost of 137.123% ability damage to the user. 


This means that Shadow Tendrils is in reality a scaled combined damage of up to 5 hitsplats rather than a single hit. Shadow Tendrils has much less probability of actually dealing close to 500% damage compared to a hypothetical ability that simply did up to 66%-500% damage in one hit (given all hitsplats are discretely uniform distributed). 


Shadow Tendrils is comparable to Snap Shot, another ability with large damage upfront. Snap Shot has a considerably lower maximum hit (330%) and higher minimum hit (200%), offering more consistent damage without the self-injury, but Shadow Tendrils offers greater KO potential.


Smoke Tendrils

Smoke Tendrils.gif


Smoke Tendrils is a threshold Magic ability, requiring level 75 Magic. When activated, it summons tendrils of smoke to inflict damage on both you and your opponent over time, the damage in your favour. Smoke Tendrils, along with Blood Tendrils, Shadow Tendrils, and Ice Asylum, is learned by reading the Codex Ultimatus, which is obtained by talking to the Archaeological expert after The Dig Site quest


Smoke Tendrils deals four hits, each hit more powerful than the last. The damage the user takes is proportional to the damage they deal. The first hit deals 20-100% ability damage and does not damage the user; the second hit does 25-125% ability damage and hurts the user by 1/5 the damage dealt; the third deals 30-150% and hurts the user by 1/3 of the damage dealt; the fourth deals 40-200% ability damage and harms the user by 1/2 of the damage dealt. As with all tendril abilities, it is possible to die from Smoke Tendrils' self inflicted damage if the player's life points are low enough. 


The overall damage dealt is 115-575% (345% average) ability damage dealt to the target and 45-175% ability damage dealt to the user. The damage dealt to the target by Smoke Tendrils is increased by Sunshine and Metamorphosis, but the self-damage is not increased. 


Smoke Tendrils is generally best used when Asphyxiate and Wild Magic are both on cooldown. Smoke Tendrils is mostly compared unfavourably to Asphyxiate: Asphyxiate has no requirements, a shorter cooldown, better damage range (150.4-752%, 451.2% average), stuns the target, and does not damage the user. 


Alternatively, if one cancels out of Smoke Tendrils as soon as possible (after the global cooldown), only the first two hits can activate, dealing a combined total of 45-225% damage (135% average), at a cost of 5-25% ability damage to the user. This makes Smoke Tendrils slightly more damaging than Deep Impact (40-200%, 120% average). This is the recommended way to ustilise this ability. However, it should be noted that the Flanking perk, when applicable, makes Deep Impact more damaging than Smoke Tendrils. 


It is worth noting that each hit of Smoke Tendrils is classified as a critical hit regardless of the amount of damage they actually deal and that they benefit from Tsunami's effect that causes each critical hit to generate 10% additional adrenaline. Thus, if all 4 hits of Smoke Tendrils connect, using this ability will generate 40% adrenaline after use. Because of this, Smoke Tendrils can be used to build up adrenaline after using Tsunami.


Death's Swiftness

Death's Swiftness.gif


Death's Swiftness is an ultimate Ranged ability that is received as a reward for completing the quest The World Wakes

The player creates a black dome covering a 7x7 area, which increases the user's ranged damage by 50% as long as they remain inside as well as dealing 10-20% weapon damage every 2 seconds to any enemy who enters the shroud. 

The tooltip for this ability is somewhat misleading. Only if your current target is within the shroud upon cast will they begin to take the damage-over-time. They will be damaged until either the shroud disappears, they leave the shroud, or they die. Should your target die and you attack another enemy or you simply switch targets, the next enemy will not be affected by the damage-over-time effects of Death's Swiftness. 

Damage of range ability bleeds like Fragmentation Shot, Corruption Shot, Puncture, or Deadshot are not increased. In addition to bleeds not being boosted, Incendiary Shot and Onslaught are also unaffected. 

If a player uses the ring of vigour when using Death's Swiftness and drinks an adrenaline potion afterwards, Snap Shot should be used before Rapid Fire because Snap Shot will be off cooldown a few seconds before Death's Swiftness ends. 

If fighting against monsters, use Natural Instinct and quickly build back to full adrenaline and use Death's Swiftness. The effect of Natural Instinct will still be lingering, allowing the player to build up to half adrenaline quickly and use powerful thresholds abilities like Rapid Fire, Snap-Shot, or Shadow Tendrils with a 50% damage boost. 

With the Planted Feet perk, Death's Swiftness will last for 37.8 seconds but the damage over time caused by the shroud is removed.  

Death's Swiftness is Ranged's equivalent to Magic's Sunshine, and similar to Melee's Berserk and Magic's Metamorphosis. In the below comparison Sunshine is excluded, as it is identical to Death's Swiftness. 

Ability Pros Cons 


  • Increases damage by 100%, rather than 50%

  • Allows free mobility

  • Increases damage taken by 50%

  • Lasts for 20 seconds as opposed to 30

  • Has no area-of-effect damage


  • Allows free mobility

  • Magic bleed abilities are affected, dealing 62.5% or 31.25% more damage

  • Lasts for 15 seconds as opposed to 30

  • Has no area-of-effect damage



Sunshine 2.gif


Sunshine is an ultimate magic ability with a requirement of 85 Magic. It is a reward for completing the grandmaster quest The World Wakes

The player creates a circle of light covering a 7x7 area, granting them an increase of 50% to their magic damage as long as they stay inside the beam. A damage-over-time effect is applied to the primary target (at time of casting) if they enter the beam, causing damage for 10% to 20% of main-hand weapon damage every 2 seconds, for a total of 30 seconds. This damage-over-time is not influenced by magic level or stats for other equipment. 

The tooltip for this ability is somewhat misleading. Only if your current target is within the sunbeam upon cast will they begin to take the damage-over-time. They will be damaged until either the sunbeam disappears, they leave the sunbeam, or they die. Should your target die and you attack another enemy or you simply switch targets, the next enemy will not be affected by the damage-over-time effects of Sunshine. 

Damage of magic ability bleeds like Combust or Corruption Blast are not increased. Onslaught is also unaffected by Sunshine. 

The ability was buffed with the release of the sirenic armour. Previously the effects only lasted for 10 seconds, making it quite impractical and inferior in comparison to Metamorphosis. However, now that it lasts 30 seconds, coupled with the damage over time effect, Sunshine is superior to Metamorphosis. The user is able to squeeze in both Asphyxiate and Wild Magic, the most damaging magic thresholds, or build up to an ultimate ability, both resulting in devastating damage. If a player uses the ring of vigour when using sunshine and drinks an adrenaline potion afterwards, Wild Magic should be used before Asphyxiate because Wild Magic will be off cooldown a few seconds before sunshine ends. 

Sunshine shares its cooldown with Metamorphosis.


The advantage of this ability is that the Sunshine area effect does not seem to be affected by high defence, making this useful against bosses that are hard to hit. 

With the Planted Feet perk, Sunshine will last for 37.8 seconds but the damage-over-time effect is removed. This perk may be worth using if training in multi-combat, as the damage-over-time effect only applies to the primary target when it was cast. 

Death's Swiftness is Ranged's equivalent to Magic's Sunshine, and similar to Melee's Berserk and Magic's Metamorphosis. In the below comparison Sunshine is excluded, as it is identical to Death's Swiftness. 

Ability Pros Cons 


  • Increases damage by 100%, rather than 50%

  • Allows free mobility

  • Increases damage taken by 50%

  • Lasts for 20 seconds as opposed to 30

  • Has no area-of-effect damage


  • Allows free mobility

  • Magic bleed abilities are affected, dealing 62.5% or 31.25% more damage

  • Lasts for 15 seconds as opposed to 30

  • Has no area-of-effect damage


Mutated Barge

Mutated Barge..gif


Mutated Barge is an upgraded version of the Barge ability, requiring 30 Attack to use. It is unlocked by reading a Mutated Barge ability codex, replacing the former ability. 


For each tick (0.6 seconds) since the player has stopped attacking their target, Mutated Barge gains +10% ability damage, capping at 10 ticks (6 seconds) for +100% more damage for a maximum of 225% ability damage. Additionally, if it has been at least 4.8 seconds (8 ticks), indicated by the buff icon , using Mutated Barge as the next ability causes the first melee combo ability (Fury, Assault, Flurry, Mutated Flurry, Destroy or Frenzy) used within 6 seconds (10 ticks), indicated by the buff bar icon , to deal damage as damage-over-time ability, meaning that the ability is no longer a combo ability, takes one global cooldown to perform, and that the player can immediately perform another ability without interrupting its damage. The animation for the combo ability also changes to the one used by Slaughter except in the case of the Destroy ability, which is changed to the player attacking only one time with its animation. 

Although the combo ability affected by Mutated Barge behaves similarly to a damage-over-time ability, it is not considered to be a standard bleed, meaning that each of the hits can be a critical hit and are affected by damage modifiers, such as Berserk. The bleed does not terminate if any of its hits miss. 

An effective use of this ability, particularly in bossing situations, is to target but not attack a monster, wait 8 ticks for the icon indicating the buff to appear, activate Berserk, initiate combat with Mutated Barge, and then Assault. 

Despite the tooltip's description, Mutated Barge's damage is based on the time since the player has moved off their target (either by moving away, or by using Surge, Escape, or Bladed Dive). Provided the target is clicked first, if Mutated Barge is used as the opening ability (while initially starting fallen out of combat) to engage in combat on a target it acts as an instant 225% damage ability and the second buff icon will appear. Furthermore, if already engaged in combat, Mutated Barge effectively becomes a minimum of a 155% weapon damage ability in normal use, where the only ways to achieve 125% would be through ability stalling or style switching from a Magic auto attack into Mutated Barge on the same tick.


Mutated Flurry


Mutated Flurry is an upgrade to the Flurry ability unlocked by using a Mutated Flurry ability codex, which is obtained from the Dragonkin Laboratory

Against groups of monsters, Mutated Flurry deals damage identical to the original Flurry, but it also reduces the remaining cooldown of Berserk by 1.2 seconds for each successful hit Mutated Flurry inflicts to any target, up to a maximum of 4.8 seconds reduced. 

When used against a single target, the damage per hit is increased from 94% to 157%, dealing a maximum of 628% ability damage. If used this way, Mutated Flurry deals more damage in a global cooldown (314%) than Forceful Backhand affected by Flanking 3

Mutated Flurry.gif

Mutated Fury

Mutated Fury.gif


Mutated Fury is an upgraded version of the Fury basic ability. It is unlocked by reading a Mutated Fury ability codex, which is obtained from the Dragonkin Laboratory

Unlike the regular Fury, Mutated Fury is not a channelled ability, instead dealing a single hit for up to 157% weapon damage instead of three smaller hits; this is similar to cancelling Fury after the global cooldown after it has dealt two hits. 

Additionally, Mutated Fury increases the player's critical hit chance of their next non-bleed ability by 10%, again similar to cancelling Fury after two hits. If Mutated Fury itself is a critical hit, the next non-bleed ability the player uses in the next 30 seconds, including Magic and Ranged abilities, has a 100% chance to be a critical hit. If the ability used is a combo attack, only the first hit will critically strike. Bleeds will consume this effect, but will not increase the damage as they are never critical hits. 

If an auto attack is used after a critical hit from Mutated Fury, the guaranteed critical hit will not be used on the auto attack. Instead, the auto attack is affected by the normal effect of mutated fury (that is, the 10% critical chance) and the guaranteed effect will be applied toward the next ability used after the auto attack. 

When using area-of-effect abilities, Mutated Fury's guaranteed critical hit can hit any other target affected by it, even if they are not the main target.





Reprisal is a threshold Constitution ability unlocked by using the Reprisal Ability Codex

When activated, it tracks damage taken from all sources for up to 6 seconds. After this time or when reactivated, the player attacks their current target for 100% of the damage stored, with a damage cap of 10,000. Reprisal has significantly increased hit chance. The damage has diminishing returns during player killing. Triggering the ability manually can be done outside of the global cooldown. Self-inflicted damage and typeless damage is also stored, meaning that Shadow Tendrils and Nex's ice prisons are added to Reprisal's damage. A hit healed by Resonance adds 1 damage to Reprisal. 

Reprisal's damage can be increased by the Berserker aura, the Maniacal aura, the Reckless aura, and Vulnerability

Unlike Transfigure, a similar ability that stores damage to later heal the user, the player is not bound or stunned when using Reprisal and is free to perform other abilities and actions.


Corruption Blast

Corruption Blast.gif


Corruption Blast is a Magic ability, unlockable through Raids from either the untradeable Corruption Blast Ability Codex or the tradeable Mazcab ability codex

The first hit of Corruption Blast deals anywhere from 33–100% ability damage. Each subsequent hit will deal less damage, decreasing by 20% of the initial hit. For example, if the initial hit is 1080, the 5 bleeds will be: 1080–864–648–432–216. This means that the ability does 100-300% weapon damage over 5 hits. In player-versus-monster situations, each hit will spread to all adjacent targets in a 3x3 area. In player-versus-player, hits will only spread to other players actively in combat with the caster, and only in multi-combat areas. 

In all situations, each bleed will hit every target for the same base damage; e.g. if the initial hit on a target A is 1080, the first hit when it spreads to a target B will be 864; the next hit on B will be 648. B will take 4 hits in total. This is true in player-versus-player situations as well; however, hits may differ between targets because of damage reduction from armour and defence levels. The corruption can never spread back to a target that already had it. 


Like most other damage-over-time abilities, the damage of this ability is not increased by: 

  • damage-boosting prayers/curses,

  • additional damage applied by having boosted levels (i.e. from potions - this is a separate damage increase to the raw increase from having a higher level),

  • the Sunshine ultimate ability,

  • all variants of Void Knight equipment,

  • the black mask and all slayer helm variants.

Use with other abilities

Corruption Blast shares its cooldown timer with Corruption Shot. The corruption can be used together with other bleeds without overriding their effects, including Corruption Shot. If the corruption spreads to a monster that is not in combat, they will endure a bleed without targeting the player who used it (assuming the monster is unaggressive). This makes it extremely effective in crowded areas like the Heart of Gielinor, as the corruption will spread to progressively more targets, while only your first target retaliates. The corruption effect cannot spread from a player to a monster, or vice versa. (While the corruption effect does not make a non-targeted monster aggressive, some monsters, notably the Automatons found in Guthix's Cave, will begin their countdown timer to use their special attack move.) If a non-aggressive monster spreads its corruption effect to an elite monster of the same kind, the latter does not become aggressive. 

can be used to clear the corruption effect; however, it will still have a brief moment to spread. If targets are still adjacent to the player who used freedom when the bleed is cleared, it can spread to applicable targets. If the bleed is cleared before it can spread, the corruption will not move to any other targets.


Corruption Shot

Corruption Shot.gif


Corruption Shot is a Ranged ability, unlockable through Raids from either the untradeable Corruption Shot Ability Codex, or the tradeable Mazcab ability codex.

The first hit of Corruption Shot deals anywhere from 33–100% ability damage. Each subsequent hit will deal less damage, decreasing by 20% of the initial hit. For example, if the initial hit is 1080, the 5 bleeds will be: 1080–864–648–432–216. This means that the ability does 100-300% weapon damage over 5 hits. In player-versus-monster situations, each hit will spread to all adjacent targets in a 3x3 area. In player-versus-player, hits will only spread to other players actively in combat with the caster, and only in multi-combat areas. 

Like most other damage-over-time abilities, the damage of this ability is not increased by: 

  • damage-boosting prayers/curses,

  • additional damage applied by having boosted levels (i.e. from potions - note that this is a separate damage increase to the raw increase from having a higher level),

  • damage increasing abilities like Berserk,

  • all variants of Void Knight equipment,

  • the black mask and all slayer helm variants.

In all situations, each bleed will hit every target for the same base damage; e.g. if the initial hit on a target A is 1080, the first hit when it spreads to a target B will be 864; the next hit on B will be 648. B will take 4 hits in total. This is true in player-versus-player situations as well; however, hits may differ between targets because of damage reduction from armour and defence levels. The corruption can never spread back to a target that already had it. 

Corruption Shot shares its cooldown timer with Corruption Blast. The corruption can be used together with other bleeds without overriding their effects, including Corruption Blast. If the corruption spreads to a monster that is not in combat, they will endure a bleed without targeting the player who used it (assuming the monster is unaggressive). This makes it extremely effective in crowded areas like the Heart of Gielinor, as the corruption will spread to progressively more targets, while only your first target retaliates. The corruption effect cannot spread from a player to a monster, or vice versa. 

While the corruption effect does not usually make a non-targeted monster aggressive, some monsters, notably the Automatons found in Guthix's Cave, will begin their countdown timer to use their special attack move. Additionally, monsters with phases. such as Rune dragons can become aggressive if enough health is lost from corruption that they enter the next phase. If a non-aggressive monster spreads its corruption effect to an elite monster of the same kind, the latter does not become aggressive. 

Fever spiders will become aggressive if hit by the corruption effect, regardless of if they were the targeted monster. 

Freedom can be used to clear the corruption effect; however, it will still have a brief moment to spread. If targets are still adjacent to the player who used freedom when the bleed is cleared, it can spread to applicable targets. If the bleed is cleared before it can spread, the corruption will not move to any other targets. 

Wyvern crossbow's poison can be spread by the corruption effect.





Onslaught is a channeled Constitution ability, unlocked through Raids from either the untradeable Onslaught Ability Codex, or the tradeable Mazcab ability codex. Onslaught has a damage cap of 30,000 per hit. 

Onslaught begins with a yellow visual effect and 33-150% ability damage - this increases by 11-33% per hit. The user initially pays 25% adrenaline per attack. When adrenaline reaches 0-24%, the visual effect changes to orange, and the user pays with life points instead, starting with 25% of damage dealt. If a player only has 1-24% adrenaline remaining, it will both be drained AND the player still takes damage. The damage dealt to the caster is increased by 1,000 per attack past 10 hits (if the 12th attack dealt 10,000 damage, the caster paid 4,500 health). The visual effect turns orange when damage starts to be taken and red when the user's health is under 50% (does not always seem to turn red when receiving healing, even though health is under 50%). 

The user does not pay for missed attacks, but missed attacks are still counted as attacks for the purposes of calculating damage increase and payment. In most situations where the target takes modified damage (a Reflecting Jellyfish takes 0% damage, and the Mahjarrat aura causes the caster to deal 105% damage) the caster receives recoil damage as if they had inflicted 100% damage to the target.


Storm Shards and Shatter

Storm Shards and Shatter.gif


Storm Shards is a basic Constitution ability, unlockable through Raids from either the untradeable Storm Shards and Shatter Ability Codex, or the tradeable Mazcab ability codex. It is unlocked with the Shatter ability. This ability is able to stack on its target. If it hits the target, it will deal no damage, but instead apply 75-95% ability damage (an average of 85%) in the form of a Storm Shard stack. If it misses, no stacks are applied. Up to 10 Storm Shards can be stacked on a target at any given time, at which point the ability can no longer be activated against the target. 

When Shatter hits a target with Storm Shards stacks, the stacks are removed, and the damage from the stacks is applied in one go, up to a maximum of 30,000 life points. Its damage is reduced to 25-32% ability damage in PvP and the use of Freedom will halve the damage stored. Storm Shards will end if the user does not attack the target for 10 consecutive seconds. 

Since the effect of Storm Shards is to "save up" damage to be applied at a later time, one use is in fighting bosses that become more powerful over time, by building up stacks early and then going through later phases more quickly.


Some bosses react to Storm Shards in different manners: 

  • The boss may remove all stacks accumulated on them during phase transition. Currently this applies to Nex and Vorago.

  • The boss is still affected by stacks as usual, but halve them to then nearest whole number during their final phase. Currently this applies to Araxxor/Araxxi (the latter halves accumulated stacks) and Telos, the Warden (if the fight carries over to phase 5)

Storm Shards is unaffected by abilities like Berserk or Sunshine; however, the threshold counterpart, Shatter, is affected by damage boosting abilities. 

Shatter is a threshold Constitution ability, unlockable through Raids from either the untradeable Storm Shards and Shatter Ability Codex, or the tradeable Mazcab ability codex. It is unlocked with the Storm Shards ability. When Shatter is cast after Storm Shards, all stacked up damage is applied in one go, and will deal damage up to a maximum of 30,000 life points. It works in PvP, although the use of Freedom will halve the damage caused. If Shatter is used upon a target with no storm shard stacks, adrenaline will be lost but the ability will not initiate cooldown. 

Under most circumstances, you will hit 30,000 damage when you have 10 stacks of the Storm Shards ability applied on an enemy while under a damage-boosting ultimate ability.





Transfigure is an ultimate Constitution ability which can be unlocked for 3,500 Reward Currency from the Anima Islands Distraction & Diversion, which became available following the fall of Tuska at the Tuska Comes world event. It binds the user for 6 seconds, and when the bind ends, the player heals 250% of any damage taken during the stun, and becomes immune to stuns and binds for 15 seconds, although this immunity does not appear on the Buffs and debuffs bar. The healing is capped at 75% of your maximum lifepoints, taking armour and bonfire boosts into account.


The ability cannot be used whilst immune to stuns. Freedom (along with all other abilities) is disabled while under its effect. Transfigure takes into account all incoming damage, including typeless damage from various attacks and self-inflicted attacks from abilities like Blood Tendrils, and even damage from dropping nitroglycerine. It is still possible to die while the effect is in place. Transfigure's bind only disables abilities and movement, meaning that it is still possible to eat and change prayers under its effect. 

It can now be obtained as a rare drop from General Graardor and Kree'arra. It is also obtainable from their bodyguards and from other aviansie in Armadyl's Eyrie and other Bandos followers within the dungeon.





Sacrifice is a basic Constitution ability, that can be unlocked for 3,500 Reward Currency from the Anima Islands Distraction & Diversion, which became available following the fall of Tuska at the Tuska Comes world event. It requires level 10 Constitution to use. 

When Sacrifice is used, the player deals 20-100% weapon damage to their target regardless of protection prayers, and is healed by 25% of the damage dealt, or 100% if the ability kills the target.


It was first obtainable by participating in the second world event, at a cost of 21,000 renown and a gold event token. With the death of Bandos and end of the event, it can now be obtained as a rare drop from General Graardor and Kree'arra. It is also obtainable from their bodyguards and from other aviansie in Armadyl's Eyrie and other Bandos followers within the dungeon. 

These abilities are individual drops, however it is possible to receive multiple abilities in a single kill. When received as a drop it is automatically learned; it does not drop as an item. When learned, the message "You have unlocked the Sacrifice ability!" appears in the chatbox. 

If the Swift gloves' extra shot passive effect activates while using Sacrifice, both hits will heal the player.


While training combat, it may be helpful to save Sacrifice until you are nearly certain that it will kill your target. However, mistiming Sacrifice may result in less-than-expected healing.

  • Berserk and similar effects can increase the damage of Sacrifice. In general, when Sacrifice's damage is increased, its healing is increased as well.


Tuska's Wrath

Tuskas Wrath.gif


Tuska's Wrath is a basic Constitution ability that can be unlocked for 4,000 Reward Currency from the Anima Islands Distraction & Diversion, which became available following the fall of Tuska at the Tuska Comes world event. It requires level 50 Constitution to use. The ability deals damage equal to 10,000% of (or 100×) the player's Slayer level (including any stat changes) against their current Slayer assignment. It will use this calculation even if that number would be less than 110% weapon damage. 

When used on a monster that is not currently assigned or on a monster that is unaffected, the ability will deal 30–110% ability damage and administer a 15 second cooldown. Every boss except The Magister and Legiones is immune to the effects of Tuska's Wrath when on a Slayer task. 

The damage cap of this ability is 15,000 life points. Against a Slayer target, the attack will always be treated as critical, severely weakening or killing the Slayer target when used against them.

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