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Optimal PVM Invention Perks

Standard Perk Combinations


Mainhand: Aftershock 3
Offhand: Precise 5
Offhand (switch): Flanking 3
Defender: Precise 5


Body: Crackling 3 + X & Biting 3
Legs: Impatient 3 & Enhanced Devoted 3


Cywir wand: Aftershock 1-2 + Planted Feet
Sunspear/Dark bow: Aftershock 1-2 + Planted Feet & Mobile + Reflexes (on Dark bow)
Spirit shield: Absorbative 2  + Mobile OR Absorbative 3
RotS shield: Turtling 3
Enhanced Excalibur: Wise 2-3 + Mobile OR Wise 3 OR Mobile
Corrupted defender: Lucky 4-5 + Mobile


The Best Perk Combinations

Mainhand: Aftershock 3 + X
Offhand: Precise 4 + Equilibrium 2
Offhand (switches): Caroming 3/Flanking 3/Lunging 3
Defender: Precise 4 + Equilibrium 2


Body: Crackling 3 + X & Biting 3
Legs: Impatient 3 + X & Enhanced Devoted 3
Body (Crackling Switch): Clear Headed 2-3 + Reflexes & Lucky 5


Shadow glaive/Cywir wand: Aftershock 1-2 + Planted Feet
Sunspear/Strykebow: Aftershock 1-2 + Planted Feet & Mobile + Reflexes (on strykebow)
Spirit shield: Absorbative 2  + Mobile OR Absorbative 3
RotS shield: Turtling 3
Enhanced Excalibur: Wise 3 + Mobile
Corrupted defender: Lucky 4-5 + Mobile


Budget Perk Combinations


Mainhand: Precise 5
Offhand: Equilibrium 3
Defender: Equilibrium 3


Body: Crackling 3 & Biting 2
Legs: Impatient 3 & Enhanced Devoted 3


Virtus wand: Planted Feet
Sunspear/Dark bow: Planted Feet & Mobile + Reflexes
Spirit shield: Absorbative 2  + Mobile OR Absorbative 3
RotS shield: Turtling 2-3
Enhanced Excalibur: Wise 3 OR Mobile
Corrupted defender: Mobile


DPS Perks

Precise 5
Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 74 Invention
Components: 5x Armadyl components
Sources: Disassembling Armadyl armor (body and legs at level 9) and godswords (doesn’t need to be leveled as already cheap enough)
Type: Weapon perk

Effect: Increases the minimum hit by a flat 1.5% per rank of the maximum hit. This is by far the one of most powerful DPS perks and should always be on every single perk setup. Precise does not effect bleeds though, so the actual effectiveness of Precise is very slightly worse.

Precise can get stronger or weaker depending on the ability’s damage range as well. As an example, take Slice and Punish when your target is stunned/bound. Slice is 80%-146% (average of 113%) while Punish is 37.6%-188% (average of 112.8%). Under Precise 5, Slice becomes 90.95%-146% (average of 118.475%) and Punish becomes 51.7%-188% (average of 119.85%). This may seem extremely minuscule, but once you add more and more perks that directly buff damage the gap widens even further. In general: the bigger the ability range, the better Precise is. 2h autoattacks in particular benefit the most considering autoattacks have absolutely no set minimum hit to speak of.


Aftershock 3
Rarity: Common/guaranteed
Requirements: 89 Invention + 2500 Zarosian reputation in GWD2
Components: 4-5x Ilujankan components
Sources: Disassembling Dragon Rider lances and Zaros Anima Core armor at level 9
Type: Weapon perk

Effect: For every 50k damage you deal, an additional 120% 3×3 AoE hit will hit the target and everything else next to it. Also a very good DPS perk in addition to Precise, this is the second choice to put on weapons and averages to around a 3.8% DPS boost.

There’s some catches to using Aftershock though. Should you remove the weapon with it on, the damage counting towards 50k resets to 0. This makes it annoying for 2h weapons to switch to a shield. However, if you equip another item with Aftershock equipped, you keep your stored damage, so it’s best to put Aftershock on mainhand weapons and not offhand. In addition, the damage storing is fairly glitchy and tends to go off late – glitchy to the point where on average the proc will go off every 60k damage, not 50k, so it ends up around 3.2%!

Note that if you’re using mechanized chinchompas, you’re better off putting Aftershock on your offhand so you retain stacks.

Using 4 Ilujankan components, you can get Aftershock 3 fairly commonly. There is still a chance of failure however, but that means you can either combo it with another perk or simply get Aftershock 3 for cheaper. The choice is yours.


Equilibrium 3
Rarity: Common
Requirements: 99 Invention
Components: 5x Rumbling components
Sources: Disassembling tectonic helmets and Raids gear (can level up Achto to level 9 and disassemble if you’re a monster)
Type: Weapon perk

Effect: Increases the minimum hit by 9%, reduces the maximum hit by 3%. On average, this is a 4% DPS boost, more or less mostly the same as Aftershock’s DPS boost. Very cheap and effective perk for single target bosses, but this does not effect bleeds so at bosses where bleeds matter a lot (like RotS), this may falter a bit compared to Aftershock.

Again, like Precise, Equilibrium’s effectiveness works better the higher the ability range is. Like Precise though, it’s also fairly minuscule but it still adds up.


Crackling 3
Rarity: Common
Requirements: 49 Invention
Components: 4x Explosive components + 1x Magic/Imbued component (optional but HEAVILY increases chances)
Sources: Explosive from disassembling hand cannons, and Magic/Imbued components from disassembling staves
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)

Effect: Every minute, a 150% hit of your current style will randomly strike the target (30% in PvP). Fairly good perk and offers a lot of free DPS with 100% accuracy, but on reflect mechanics like those seen at Vorago and Araxxor, Crackling can end up killing either you or your teammates, so take a gear switch for those.

The nice thing about Crackling is that you can just use 4 Explosive components and get good chances at Crackling 3. As such, combination gizmos are very possible and can be very worth pursuing.


Impatient 3
Rarity: Guaranteed (weapons), common (armor)
Requirements: 74 Invention
Components: 5x Zamorak/Zaros components
Sources: Disassembling subjugation (body and legs at level 9) and godswords (doesn’t need to be leveled as cheap enough) for Zamorak components, and disassembling Virtus wands at level 9 for Zaros components
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)

Effect: Each basic has a 27% chance of gaining 3% extra adrenaline. This seems insignificant, but if you get two procs within a Death’s Swiftness/Sunshine after a successful autoattack, you can do a double Snapshot/Wild Magic without using an adrenaline potion (fairly RNG-reliant though). Even without that RNG, it’s just an overall nice perk to have as it allows you to build up adrenaline quicker, and it also stacks with Natural Instinct’s doubled adrenaline gain, making it even more nice if it procs.


Biting 3
Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 99 Invention
Components: 5x Noxious components
Sources: Disassembling a noxious staff at level 9
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)

Effect: 6% chance to force a critical hit. This speaks for itself really, fairly simple concept to grasp. On average this equals a 3.75% DPS increase, but it can be higher or lower depending on the ability range just like Precise and Equilibrium. Abilities like Snapshot won’t benefit much from Biting, but others like Wild Magic will get a much better boost. Under Revenge, Biting’s effectiveness skyrockets and becomes by far one of the better DPS boosts from perks, matching or outclassing Precise 5!


Planted Feet
Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 89 Invention + 2500 Seren reputation in GWD2
Components: 2x Cwyir components
Source: Disassembling Wand of the Cwyir elders and Seren Anima Core armor at level 9
Type: Weapon perk

Effect: Increases the duration of Death’s Swiftness and Sunshine by 25% (to 38 seconds), but removes the bleed effect. The loss of the bleed effect isn’t a big deal as the extended time more than outclasses the bleed effect (which hits a guaranteed 5k).

Lunging 3
Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 89 Invention + 2500 Zamorak reputation in GWD2
Components: 4x Avernic components
Source: Disassembling Blades of furies and Zamorak Anima Core armor at level 9
Type: Weapon perk

Effect: Boosts the maximum hit of Dismember, Fragmentation Shot, and Combust by 60%, but Fragmentation Shot and Combust’s 2x damage upon movement is reduced to a 1.5x multiplier. This is a good perk, but the problem is that it’s just completely outclassed by Precise, Aftershock, and even Equilibrium. As such, it’s really only worth using as a switch on an offhand weapon, and even then for Ranged/Magic it’s not too good since it’s the doubled damage on bleeds makes Ranged/Magic bleeds good. It can potentially be very good, but only if you take the effort to switch between weapons that have Lunging and a different perk.

A cool thing is that you can potentially pair this perk with another, so you can have Lunging 3 + a different perk that only requires one component. Choices are limited though, so it doesn’t make that much of a difference.

Caroming 3
Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 89 Invention + 2500 Sliske reputation in GWD2
Components: 5x Shadow components
Sources: Disassembling shadow glaives and Sliske Anima Core armor at level 9
Type: Weapon perk


Effect: Allows you to hit three more targets with Chain and Ricochet. Much like Lunging, this is a good perk but again outclassed by Precise, Aftershock, and Equilibrium. Best to have it on a weapon switch, if used at all. 


Caroming perk still procs Yakamaru’s stun recoil on stun pool, so you still shouldn’t stun on stun pool, even with Flanking on.

Flanking 3
Rarity: Rare
Requirements: 55 Invention
Components: 5x Clockwork components
Sources: Disassembling dwarf multicannon parts
Type: Weapon perk


Effect: Buffs basic stuns to 220% damage and threshold stuns to 290% damage if your target is facing away from you, but the stun effect is removed if the extra damage procs. Destroy/Asphyxiate are NOT affected, nor is Kick/Stomp. This is a good perk, but it’s still not as good as Aftershock since it’s incredibly niche (only good at Raids, very few phases of Vorago, and Angel of Death) and the boost is not good enough to overtake Aftershock anyway. Put this on a weapon switch, much like Lunging and

Shield Bashing 3
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: None
Components: 5x Swift/Protective components
Sources: Disassembling claws (preferably mithril and adamant)
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)


Effect: Debilitate does 145% damage. Nothing more to say, just a DPS increase, even if small, but definitely not worth a perk slot.


Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 74 Invention
Components: 2x Bandos components
Sources: Disassembling Bandos armor (body and legs at level 9) and godswords (doesn’t need to be leveled as cheap enough)
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)


Effect: Up to 7% extra damage on your Slayer task, depending on how far along you are. Nice perk, but not worth a perk slot if you only do PvM. Unfortunately you can’t really get excellent combination gizmos with Genocidal, so you’ll have to be creative with perk combinations.

Dragon Slayer
Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 49 Invention
Components: 1x Dragonfire component
Sources: Disassembling royal crossbows at level 9
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)


Effect: 7% extra damage against dragons. Very good if you do KBD/QBD and rune/celestial dragons, but otherwise obviously useless if you don’t do those. Pair this up with Crackling 3, another X Slayer perk, or Genocidal. This perk does NOT work at Vindicta.


Demon Slayer
Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 83 Invention
Components: 1x Ancient component
Sources: Disassembling Third Age items (lol)
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)


Effect: 7% extra damage against demons. Does NOT work at K’ril Tsutsaroth or Twin Furies, so really only useful at ripper/abyssal/Kal’gerion demons. If you still fancy it, pair it up with Crackling 3, another X Slayer perk, or Genocidal.


Undead Slayer
Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 54 Invention
Components: 1x Undead component
Sources: Disassembling RotS shields
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)

Effect: 7% extra damage against undead creatures. Does NOT work at Barrows, Gregorovic, or RotS, so the only place to use this perk that’s relevant at high levels is edimmus. Mostly useless perk, but if you do kill a lot of edimmu, at least pair it with Crackling 3, another X Slayer perk, or Genocidal.

Defensive Perks

Lucky 5
Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 87 Invention
Components: 5x Silent components
Sources: Disassembling superior Death Lotus at level 9 or inferior Death Lotus hoods
Type: Armor perk


Effect: 2.5% chance to reduce any attack to 0. It also works on typeless damage that can be reduced by defensives, so it can potentially be extremely helpful.


Absorbative 3
Rarity: Common
Requirements: 54 Invention
Components: 5x Fungal components
Sources: Disassembling ganodermic (body and legs at level 9, but boots and gloves are uber cheap too)
Type: Armor perk


Effect: 20% chance to reduce damage by 15%. Doesn’t work on typeless damage, but has a slightly higher average damage reduction over Lucky. It’s not really noticeable compared to Lucky, but the good thing is that Absorbative 2 isn’t too bad and can be guaranteed with 4 components, so a combination perk can work fairly decently on a shield.


Turtling 3
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: None
Components: 5x Evasive components
Sources: Disassembling dragonhide armor (blue d’hide legs most recommended)
Type: Armor perk


Effect: Gives a 30% longer Barricade at the cost of increasing Barricade’s cooldown by 18 seconds. This is one of the best defensive perks in the game as extra seconds of no damage taken is incredibly huge, and since you don’t really spam Barricade whenever you can the longer cooldown doesn’t really mean anything. This is by far a must for every RotS shields.


Bulwark 3
Rarity: Guaranteed
Requirements: 87 Invention
Components: 5x Resilient components
Sources: Disassembling superior Tetsu at level 9 and disassembling inferior Tetsu helmets
Type: Armor perk


Effect: Increases Debilitate’s duration by 18%. With a RotS shield, Debilitate lasts 16 seconds compared to 14 seconds, enough for an extra hit to tank. With a spirit shield, it lasts 15 seconds compared to 13 seconds without Bulwark, so it’s at least something. Not that great, though, because there doesn’t exist much in the game that requires you to tank for a long time.


Devoted 2-3
Rarity: Uncommon/Rare
Requirements: 74 Invention
Components: 5x God components (best to use Zamorak though)
Sources: Disassembling god items like GWD items (body and legs to level 9 if possible)
Type: Armor perk


Effect: When hit, you have a 6% or 9% (depending on perk rank) chance of activating a 3 second Devotion effect. This can be extremely handy to reduce incoming damage and can shave off an immense amount of food usage.


Enhanced Devoted 3
Rarity: Common
Requirements: 55 or 83 Invention
Components: 5x Faceted Components OR 4x Faceted components + 1x Zaros components
Sources: Disassembling crystal teleport seeds for Faceted, and disassembling Virtus wands at level 9 for Zaros components
Type: Armor perk


Effect: A buffed Devoted perk that procs 1.5x more likely per rank, but takes up a full gizmo shell with no room for combination gizmos, much like Biting 3 with 5 Noxious components. Extremely useful for tanking and a definite must for that, and even for DPS roles, taking MUCH less damage indirectly increases DPS, especially at places like Yakamaru.


Crystal Shield 3
Rarity: Common
Requirements: 55 Invention
Components: 5x Faceted components
Sources: Disassembling crystal teleport seeds for Faceted
Type: Armor perk


Effect: When being attacked by anything (this includes typeless damage like red bombs or Onslaught recoil!), the perk will proc 10% of the time and track all damage you take for the next 10 seconds. After those 10 seconds, you will be given “fake” LP equal to 15% of damage taken. So if you took 10k damage, you’d be given 1.5k “fake” LP. This fake LP lasts for 30 seconds. Unfortunately for this perk, it’s just not very strong in the first place, and if you’re hit an attack that’s higher than the amount of fake LP available, it will bleed through. For example, if you have a shield on with 1.5k LP and you’re hit a 2k, you’ll be hit a 500. Not worth the perk slot to use this, honestly.


Niche Perks

Rarity: Rare
Requirements: 54 Invention
Components: 1x Fortunate component
Sources: Treasure Trail items (composite bows the best)
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)


Effect: Protect Item protects two items instead of one. Can potentially be made redundant by just simply having a portent of item protection, but if you can pair this with another great gizmo like Crackling, it’ll be pretty good and save you an inventory space. Good luck getting it, though…


Rarity: Common
Requirements: (Potentially) 40 Invention
Components: 1x Pestiferous components OR 2x Evasive components
Sources: Disassembling augmented Korasi’s sword (disassemble at level 1 after augmenting) or Void (not 100% chance) for Pestiferous, and dragonhide armor (blue d’hide legs most recommended) for

Type: Armor perk

Effect: Prevents poison damage. A pretty ok perk, but there really isn’t much places where poison is really required. The only bosses were this would be handy is Gregorovic, Araxxor (if Meleeing), and Angel of Death, and even then it’s not worth a perk slot alone. If you can pair it with Turtling (Evasive) or Crackling (Pestiferous) or whatever else then why not, but otherwise you can do fine skipping this.

Clear Headed 3
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: None
Components: 4x Variable components + 1x Stunning component
Sources: Harralander tar/Scavenging perk for Variable and Ascension bolts for Stunning
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)

Effect: Gives an additional 1.2 second of Anticipation per rank, but loses the 10% damage reduction. This is pretty good if using Anticipation for anti-stunning purposes, but for tanking it’s bad. Skip out on this for general use, only have it on a switch.


Rarity: Common
Requirements: 45 Invention
Components: 1x Harnessed component
Sources: Elemental shields for Harnessed
Type: Armor gizmo


Effect: Halves the cooldown and duration of Anticipation. While this would be bad for tanking due to not as efficient Anticipation, it does have some nice use at Araxxor due to drastically shortening the cooldown.

This perk does NOT reduce how much Clear Headed boosts, so if used in conjunction with Clear Headed you can potentially get a 7-8 second Anticipation with 12 second cooldown. Although it loses damage reduction (making it a bad option for tanking), any cases where stun immunity is important (like Araxxor, Telos, and PvP) makes this perk combo extremely useful. In addition, it’s also amazing for adrenaline building and stalling, so if you can’t figure out what to put on your armor, Cracking 3 or Clear Headed 2-3 + Reflexes isn’t a bad choice.


Rarity: Common
Requirements: None
Components: 1x Subtle/Dexterous component
Sources: Disassembling scimitars (preferably white/mithril/adamant)
Type: Weapon/armor perk


Effect: Escape and Surge have a halved cooldown, but doesn’t gain adrenaline. Extremely amazing for cases of constant mobility like escaping RotS tunnels, and although you can’t use it to build adrenaline, it still makes for an amazing tool to stall adrenaline. Most of the time, however, it’s not worth a perk slot, so pair this with a gear switch like Sunspear with Planted Feet or on a shield with Absorbative 2/Lucky 4-5. The place where you’d get the absolute most use without switching is P5 Telos, and even then only at insane enrages like 1000%+.


Scavenging 2-3
Rarity: Common/Rare
Requirements: None
Components: 5x Precious components
Sources: Disassembling jewelry (preferably slayer rings/ferocious rings/diamond necklaces)
Type: Weapon/armor perk (best on armor)


Effect: Every time you kill a monster, you get a chance of getting random uncommon/rare components. While this is absolutely useless for PvM purposes, this allows you to collect more components to make more perks, which can heavily reduce money needed to buy items to disassemble.


Combination Gizmos


Precise 4 + Equilibrium 2
Rarity: Very rare (estimated 1/900-1000 at 120 Invention)
Requirements: None (HEAVILY recommended to try at 120 Invention)
Components: 5x Precise components (disassemble maple/yew/magic shieldbows)
Type: Weapon gizmo
Notes: This is a better gizmo than Precise 5 by around 1%, again depending on the ability range.


Aftershock 3 + X Slayer
Rarity: Rare
Requirements: 89 Invention
Components: 4x Ilujankan components + 1x Dragonfire/Undead/Ancient component
Type: Weapon gizmo


Aftershock 3 + Mobile
Rarity: Rare
Requirements: 89 Invention
Components: 4x Ilujankan components + 1x Subtle/Dexterous component
Type: Weapon gizmo
Notes: Only worth it if using Melee with Bladed Dive AND if your Crackling/Impatient perks don’t have Mobile already.


Aftershock 3 + Shield Bashing 1
Rarity: Rare
Requirements: 89 Invention
Components: 4x Ilujankan components + 1x Swift component
Type: Weapon gizmo


Crackling 3 + X Slayer
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 49 Invention + 49/54/83 Invention (for X Slayer)
Components: 4x Explosive components + 1x Dragonfire/Undead/Ancient component
Type: Weapon/armor gizmo (best on armor)


Crackling 3 + Venomblood
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 49 Invention
Components: 4x Explosive components + 1x Pestiferous component
Type: Armor gizmo


Crackling 3 + Hoarding
Rarity: Rare
Requirements: 54 Invention
Components: 4x Explosive components + 1x Fortunate component
Type: Weapon/armor gizmo (best on armor)


Crackling 3 + Reflexes
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 49 Invention
Components: 4x Explosive components + 1x Harnessed component
Type: Armor gizmo


Crackling 3 + Mobile
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 49 Invention
Components: 4x Explosive components + 1x Subtle/Dexterous component
Type: Weapon/armor gizmo (best on armor)


Crackling 3 + Crystal Shield 1
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 55 Invention
Components: 4x Explosive components + 1x Faceted component
Type: Armor gizmo


Crackling 3 + Shield Bashing 1
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 49 Invention
Components: 4x Explosive components + 1x Swift component
Type: Weapon/armor gizmo (best on armor)


Biting 2 + Venomblood
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: None
Components: 3x Direct components + 1x Healthy component + 1x Evasive component
Type: Armor gizmo


Biting 2 + Reflexes
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 49 Invention
Components: 4x Direct components + 1x Harnessed component
Type: Armor gizmo


Biting 2 + X Slayer
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 49/54/83 Invention
Components: 4x Direct components + 1x Dragonfire/Undead/Ancient component
Type: Armor gizmo


Biting 2 + Mobile
Rarity: Uncommon†
Requirements: None
Components: 4x Direct components + 1x Subtle/Dexterous component
Type: Armor gizmo


Impatient 3 + Devoted 2-3
Rarity: Uncommon/very rare
Requirements: 74 Invention (optionally 83 Invention)
Components: 5x Zamorak components OR 3x Zamorak components + 2x Zaros components
Type: Armor gizmo
Notes: Best on Slayer so you don’t have to dedicate a perk slot to Enhanced Devoted.


Impatient 3 + X Slayer
Rarity: Uncommon/very rare
Requirements: 74 Invention + 49/54/83 Invention (for X Slayer)
Components: 4x Zamorak/Zaros components + 1x Dragonfire/Undead/Ancient components
Type: Weapon/armor gizmo (best on armor)


Impatient 3 + Mobile
Rarity: Uncommon/very rare
Requirements: 74 Invention
Components: 4x Zamorak/Zaros components + 1x Subtle/Dexterous components
Type: Weapon/armor gizmo (best on armor)


Lunging 3 + Mobile
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 89 Invention
Components: 4x Avernic components + 1x Subtle/Dexterous components
Type: Weapon gizmo
Notes: Can be used as a Barge/Bladed Dive switch for very little DPS loss.


Genocidal + X Slayer
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 74 Invention + 49/54/83 Invention (for X Slayer)
Components: 2x Bandos components + 1x Dragonfire/Undead/Ancient component
Type: Weapon/armor gizmo (best on armor)


Shield Bashing 3 + Hoarding
Rarity: Rare
Requirements: None
Components: 5x Protective components
Type: Weapon/armor gizmo (best on armor)


Turtling 3 + Venomblood
Rarity: Rare
Requirements: None
Components: 5x Evasive components
Type: Armor gizmo


Lucky 5 + Hoarding
Rarity: Uncommon
Requirements: 87 Invention
Components: 4x Silent components + 1x Fortunate component
Type: Armor gizmo


Lucky 4-5 + Mobile
Rarity: Uncommon/rare
Requirements: 87 Invention
Components: 4x Silent components + 1x Subtle/Dexterous component
Type: Armor gizmo (best on shield/T70 defender for RotS tunnels)


Clear Headed 2-3 + Reflexes
Rarity: Rare
Requirements: 45 Invention
Components: 4x Variable/Stunning components + 1x Harnessed component
Type: Armor gizmo
Notes: Can just have Clear Headed 3 on its own and pair Reflexes with Crackling 3 to have the same function.


Aftershock 1-2 + Planted Feet
Rarity: Common
Requirements: 89 Invention
Components: 2x Ilujankan components + 2-3x Cwyir components
Type: Weapon gizmo
Notes: 2x Ilujankan + 3x Cwyir is the best chances for this combo. 2x + 2x works still but chances are lower. If not interested in switching between weapons, Aftershock 2 + Planted Feet is still a very good gizmo for normal use.


Scavenging 2 + Genocidal
Rarity: Unknown
Requirements: 74 Invention
Components: 2x Precious components + 1x Connector parts + 1x Powerful components + 1x Bandos components
Type: Weapon/armor gizmo (best on armor)

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