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Prayer Restoring Potions

Prayer Potions

Prayer potions are great to use, to begin with. They are cheap and great for times when all you need to do is only restore prayer points.

Super Restore Potions

Restore Potions are great all rounder potion. It costs only slightly more than a prayer potion, but it can also restore your drained stats and summoning points. They work really well if you are using Saradomin Brews to restore the drained stats from drinking them

Super Prayer Renewal Potions

These are good for when you wanting some prayer potions over time. They are usually used in conjunction with other prayer restoring potions to get instant prayer points rather than prayer points over time. The main drawback with this potion is the cost.

(4) Dose vs (6) Dose

My advice is if you are on a budget just use (4) dose potions. If you have money to blow or need to maximise your inventory space then (6) doses will help you.


A cheap way to maybe save money is to buy (4) then decant them into (6) doses potions as following

To decant the potion into the flask, one must have at least 6 doses of restore potion in their inventory, as well as one or more potion flasks. Using the flask on the potion will open a menu to decant them. The optimal inventory setup for decanting potions is 17 4-dose potions and 11 flasks.

Only the original, six-dose potion is tradeable. Once the potion has been partially drunk, no more doses can be added to it. After all six doses have been consumed, the flask will shatter and disappear. Flasks can be combined together, but the empty flasks will still be destroyed afterwards.

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